Wiki Type II Diabetes Mellitus Complicated with CAD


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Hi guys I have a question regarding the best way to code Type II Diabetes mellitus complicated with CAD , I want to know if I am doing correct using one code for Other complication of DM and another code for vascular ?
According C4.a. diabetis mellitus codes are combination codes that include the type of diabetis mellitus, the body system affected and the complications affecting the body system. you may use as many codes but if you can find a combination code use that!
I would not use a complication code for the wording you have here unless you can get clarification from the provider. The diabetes complication codes are for condition that have been caused by the diabetes and it would be unusual to see CAD documented as resulting from diabetes.

I would interpret diabetes 'complicated with' to mean that the presence of the CAD has made the diabetes complicated to treat, not the other way around, so I would not code the CAD as a complication of the diabetes. However, this is unusual wording, so a query to the provider would not be out of place.