Wiki Type 2 DM Controlled by diet


Alachua, FL
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If a patient has type 2 DM that is diet controlled and Hgb A1 C is 7.5. This patient is not taking any diabetic medication. How would you code this?

Thank you.
not all type II diabetics are controlled with medication so there is no problem with a type II controlled by diet. that is why they have the Z79 codes for insulin control or oral hypoglycemic which would set those patients apart from diet controlled.. just code type II diabetes with no complication. look it up in the alpha under diabetes type II. it will default to the choice for no complications.
Thank you! I understand that but would you still code Type 2 DM if the patient is not taking any medication? As guidelines state to add additional code to identify control used.
You would still code it as DM Type 2. The guidelines state if the documentation states insulin use, default to type 2. An additional code should be code should be assigned to identify long-term use of insulin or oral hyperglycemic drugs. That is the assumption that the patient is treating their diabetes with medications. Again, not all type 2 diabetics use medication for control. Type 1 diabetics must use insulin.
You would still code it as DM Type 2. The guidelines state if the documentation states insulin use, default to type 2. An additional code should be code should be assigned to identify long-term use of insulin or oral hyperglycemic drugs. That is the assumption that the patient is treating their diabetes with medications. Again, not all type 2 diabetics use medication for control. Type 1 diabetics must use insulin.

Thank you very much. I was reading it as all DM codes needed the control use. Thanks!