Wiki Two Visits Same Day Two Different Entities


Voorhees, NJ
Best answers
Hello! I have a patient that saw our provider as a new patient and another provider , different entity all together, as a new patient on the same day. They paid the other provider's new patient visit but is denying ours for a modifier. Any clue what modifier they want? this is BCBS NJ. Thanks everyone!
Hello! I have a patient that saw our provider as a new patient and another provider , different entity all together, as a new patient on the same day. They paid the other provider's new patient visit but is denying ours for a modifier. Any clue what modifier they want? this is BCBS NJ. Thanks everyone!
i would use modifier 25 :)
I was thinking of that.....wasn't certain if it would be appropriate, but its the only one that seems to fit. Now I have your vote! Thanks. I'm going to go with 25 !!