Wiki Two visits same day different subspecialities


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Does anyone know if Medicare recognizes Glaucoma and Retinal as separate subspecialiteis? Here is the situation, out of town patient was seen for a diabetes and glaucoma check and the provider noticed what could be a detached retina. The patient was then seen same day by the retinal provider. One provier coded a 92012-25 and the second provider coded a 92014 for the retinal issue. I can only find where it addresses separate specialities but not separate subspecialities for same day billing. Can anyone help?
There are no recognized subspecialties in ophthalmology. Sub-specialty fellowship training doesn't change your specialty code because ophthalmology fellowships are not accredited, that's how come you can be a "Fellow" and are not still a resident while doing sub-specialty training.

So....both doctors, same practice, same group, same tax ID number, no. Both will not get paid.

What was the 25 modifier for?