Wiki Two Providers, Two Suites - Unbundle?


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I have a perplexing situation, that as of yet I have not found an industry resource to resolve. Alas, I bring myself to the online forum for my fellow coding experts to weigh in. I am also writing to Coding Clinic for HCPCS for guidance.

Patient presents for an elective surgery (nephrostomy with nephrolithotomy). Provider A brings patient to OR, they go under anesthesia and are transported to IR suite for Provider B to place nephrostomy catheters in the interventional radiology suite. Once nephrostomy catheters are in place, patient is transported back to operating room where Provider A performs extraction of stones through the catheter placed by Provider B. Provider A at the conclusion of the case notes that patient does not need the nephrostomy catheters beyond the procedure and closed up the site.

Is it correct to unbundle 50081 (Provider A's procedure) and 50432 (Provider B's procedure) with an -XP modifier since two separate providers performed the procedure? Note this question is specific to the outpatient facility portion, not professional.

Thank you in advance for your input! I will post again if I receive a reply from Coding Clinic.

Samantha Insley, CPC, CCS, CCDS
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