Wiki Two e/m's by two dr's on same day


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I work in an Urgent Care and we have patients come in with injuries that involve a possible break in a bone. We do an E/M and take x-rays, sometimes apply a splint and then often they are referred on to an orthopedic. We bill all of our charges out and then get a denial on the E/M stating that the same service was paid to a different provider. The ortho and our office are both billing for the E/M. We both did the work but only one of us is getting paid. Is there a way to bill this so that we both get paid for the work that we did?
I had a problem similar to this with Medicare patients. It turned out that Medicare didn't have our correct specialty listed in their system. Is this happening with a particular payer mostly? I would check with the payer(s) as to why they are denying services.
It seems to happen with multiple payers so I will check with them to see why they are denying thanks!