Wiki Two doctors, one NPI


White Lake, MI
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If we are billing for two physicians under the same NPI, do the fees attached to the codes need to match for both doctors? Thanks!
yes, the doctors are charging different amounts for the same procedures. I know they will usually get paid the same (fee for service) but does it matter if the claims that go out are different prices?
These will be subject to edits and may require additional documentation. It will most likely be rejected. Unless extreme emergency requires simultaneous bilateral procedures by separate surgeons this will not fly.
The procedures are not being done on the same patients. The doctors do not work together, just under the same tax id and group NPI, they have different billing departments and the billers price different amounts for the same procedure codes, for example, one doctor will price a 99213 at $159.00, the other doctor will price the 99213 at $110.00. Should the prices be the same going out to the insurance companies? Thanks.
yes the fees for the same service in the same practice are to be the same amount, as long as the providers are of the same specialty.