Wiki two doctors doing a combined procedure ( colonoscopy and egd) how do I bill this out

If there is 1 code that describes the colonoscopy and EGD, you may be able to bill as co-surgeons (mod -62) provided you meet co-surgeon requirements. Namely, the physicians must be of different specialties/subspecialties and the CPT must allow co-surgeons. Otherwise, you bill as primary/assist.
Dr A (GI) bills CPT123 -62
Dr B (general surgeon) bills CPT123-62
Dr. A (GI) bills CPT123
Dr. B (also GI) bills CPT123-80

If there is NOT 1 code that describes the colonoscopy and EGD, then each physician bills for the portion they did, no modifier needed. Specialty/subspecialty does not matter in this scenario.
Dr. A did colonoscopy bills CPT123
Dr. B did EGD bills CPT456