Wiki Two different PA's same DOS same Dr.


San Antonio, Texas
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A pt saw one PA for injections and a different PA later in the same day for a follow-up on a fracture. Can the two visits go on one claim since they are both billed under the same Dr.? Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!
Why was this done at two separate times is a good question, ant the fx follow up should be in the global and not billable? Do you have additional information to share that would help to clarify these encounters?
I would think if you bill it all in one claim, you'd have to put the different PA's npi that did the service in each line item under "rendering provider ID" billing under the same facility/group NPI? And modifier 25 on the follow up? Assuming the injection is unrelated to the fracture follow up and assuming you're billing a e/m for the follow up fracture if there's no global or no procedure with a global done prior to the follow up?