Wiki Two Claims, same tax id.


Houston, TX
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I bill for a pain management physician and an anesthesiologist for the same tax id. My anesthesia claims are being denied as already paid when I bill for the procedure. I bill on two separate claims, one for pain and another for anesthesia. Can I effectively do this and avoid claim denials? I am having trouble even though they are different providers but all doing business under the same tax id.
I bill for a pain management physician and an anesthesiologist for the same tax id. My anesthesia claims are being denied as already paid when I bill for the procedure. I bill on two separate claims, one for pain and another for anesthesia. Can I effectively do this and avoid claim denials? I am having trouble even though they are different providers but all doing business under the same tax id.

Are the providers credentialed as different specialties?

I work in oncology, and we have medical and radiation oncologists under the same tax ID. They frequently have claims on the same day. On rare occasion, I'll have something come through that looks odd on a claim - in that case, it's almost always that the payer didn't show the subspecialty of my provider correctly.
Agree, to be able to understand what's happening here we'd need to know if the two providers are credentialed, i.e. set up with different specialties in the payer's claims system.

It would probably be helpful if you'd also share the procedure codes that the two providers are billing.