Wiki Twin stress test

Holly May

Rock Island, IL
Best answers
Hello All,

If I cod efor the stress test, 59025, do I add another 59025 for the twin or is there just the one code for multiple fetuses?

You would bill the 59025 on 2 lines with a modifier 59 on the 2nd nst. be sure the 651.03 is also on the diagnosis. Hope this helps.
It is not a test done twice for twin pregnancy.
The test is the same as done for singleton pregnancy-one and the same time at one session, but only two straps are placed on the abdomen of the mother to record two Fetal Heart rates on the same paper; meaning, that there will be two lines of FHR recording on the same paper side by side.
The performance time, the recording are all done with the same single machine.
I dont understand how it merits for two NST or two lines or x2, or -59.
Well, placing the two straps mounts to-59, I dont think so obviously. But for placing two straps, it involves nothing more in the procedure. May be sometimes modifier -22 can ???!! Even this I doubt.
However it is a point to research!!
Thank you.
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