Wiki Tunneled catheter


Greenwood, SC
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is this with or without a port thanks
ultrasound guidance, the right internal jugular vein was cannulated with an 18-gauge needle. A 0.035 inch starter wire was inserted into the superior vena cava under fluoroscopy. A skin nick was made at the puncture site with a #11 blade. The 19 cm Bard catheter was brought in from the lateral right chest wall with a sharp tunneler; a sheath was placed over the wire and the obturator was removed. The sheath was removed and the first peel away sheath was placed over the wire. The obturator and wire were removed and the catheter tip was placed within the sheath. The sheath was then peeled away, leaving the catheter tip in position. The catheter tip was pulled back such that the skin cuff was at the chest wall exit site. Both ports were flushed with heparinized saline and packed with tPA. The puncture site was reapproximated with subcuticular 4-0 Monocryl stitch. Dermabond and sterile dressings were applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was extubated at the conclusion of the case. She was returned to the post anesthesia care unit in satisfactory condition.