Wiki Trouble with BCBS and IUD


Stuart Sailfish
Best answers
It is being suggested to us by BCBS that if we bill an IUD insert with ICD-9 code V72.31 it will be covered 100% with no OOP for the patient. If we bill with V25.11 there is sometimes a copay or deductible. I don't think this is right to bill with an annual code. Up through the end of 2014 the IUD insertions were being paid 100% with the V25.11 code and I'm not sure what changed with BCBS. Does anyone have any experience with this issue?
Insurance companies love to make statements like that. Do not follow their advise. Follow the correct coding guidelines of IUD placement 58300 and V25.11. If the patient is unset that her policy does not pay at 100% when you correctly bill the services provided, she needs to take that up with her employer and insurance company. What the insurance company will not tell you is, if they audit you later and find this as an error - you will be held responsible even if it was one of their staff members who told you to bill it that way.