Wiki Trimming Finger nail


True Blue
Fontana, CA
Best answers
If the patient (peds) slams his finger in the garage door, comes in with an injured hand and avulsion of the finger nail.

And the documentation for this service states trimming of the avulsed nail. How would you code this. Is there a separated cpt used.
Because CPT 11719-trimming of nondystrophic nails, any number. States this is for just routine foot care. Nothing pertaining to an avulsed nail.

Opions Please.

thank you
daniel, cpc
I looked at that CPT, tempted to use. But CPT 11730 states a ditial nerve block is used to numb the top of the digit prior to this service being done.
So I don't think this would apply.

What do you think going off what I stated here, and the above question.

daniel, CPC
The code that Tessa gave you is correct.

Here is the CPT assistant comment:

11730Avulsion of nail plate, partial or complete, simple; single

Part or all of one nail plate is removed or avulsed in this procedure, which may require local anesthesia. For total nail avulsion, an elevator is placed under the proximal nail fold and pushed in a back and forth motion to separate it totally from the underlying nail plate. The elevator is removed and then inserted under the proximal end of the nail using a similar action to separate it from the nail bed. The loosened nail is lifted, one end is grasped with a hemostat, and, using a side-to-side rolling action, the nail is removed.

For partial nail plate avulsion, the proximal nail fold is freed from the portion of nail to be removed. An elevator is placed between the nail fold and the nail plate and the two structures are separated. A nail splitter is inserted under the nail to split it from the distal edge to the area under the nail fold. The portion to be avulsed is separated from the nail bed with a rolling action and then removed with a hemostat.