Wiki Trigger Point Injections


Bloomsburg, PA
Best answers
When a patient receives a trigger point injection, I understand I use 20552 or 20553, depending on the number of trigger points documents.

My doctor on documented, "injected B/L levator scapulae trigger point".

I did some research and found the levator scapulae has 2 trigger points. Is it safe to assume that the doctor than injected "2 trigger points" or "B/L 4 trigger points"???

Or do I need to query the physician to have this clarified?

I need to know the exact number of trigger points in order to choose the correct code.
You don't count the number of trigger points injected, it's the number of muscles. The description for code 20552 is, Injection(s); single or multiple trigger point(s), 1 or 2 muscle(s). Code 20553 is for 3 or more muscles.

In your example you would only bill 20552 since he did 2 muscles.