Wiki Trigger Injections for Pain Management


Brooklyn, MI
Best answers
So the trigger point injections are still a little confusing... one of my pain doctors performed a trigger point into each temporalis muscle. He wants to bill 20552-50. Everything I'm reading states that the 20552 & 20553 does not use the laterality modifiers. With what I'm reading, since he injected 2 muscles (even though they were on different sides), I would only bill 20552 by itself?

Even though this is for pain management, I was hoping to that maybe an ortho coder might also have some input..

Any input would be helpful..
You are correct. Laterality mods are not an option for this code, it is strictly based on the number of muscles injected. For injections of 1 or 2 muscles, use 20552. For injections of 3 or more muscles, use 20553. There is no extra pay for doing this on one temporalis muscle vs bilateral temporalis muscles.

One additional note in case you come across this issue- multiple injections into one muscle still only counts as 20552 since it is per muscle, not per injection. I hope that helps!