Wiki Trigger Finger

Reno, NV
Best answers
1. Synovectomy of the flexor profundus and superficialis tendons through no man's land, left ring finger.
2. Release of A1 pulley, left ring finger.

Carefully placed palmar incision carried through subcutaneous tissues down to the flexor mechanism, and superficialis profundus tendon tehn identified. Tenosynovectomy, after release of A1 pulley, of both profundus and supericial tendons performed. The tendons were then allowed to retract back into the palm. Sind wound closed w/4-0 nylon and bulky dressing.

I was planning on using 26055 for Release of A1 pulley and 26145 for Synovectomy.

I want to confirm these are the correct codes before I post.

Thanks in advance! :confused:
I agree with your codes are correct, however CCI bundles 26055 into 26145.

Also, 26145 states "each tendon" so you would bill this twice since it was done on the flexor profundus and the superficialis.

Good luck :)