Wiki Tricare


Brooklet, GA
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I need some help and opinions please. I had a new patient in today that had Tricare Select. The Tricare was still showing active. On her demographic sheet, she put single and also listed a "boyfriend". The Tricare sponsor was different than her "boyfriend". The sponsor was her ex husband. The patient did not have her Tricare ID. I called Tricare to verify coverage and she was active, I did tell them all this info. He suggested contacting the sponsor. I did ask the patient if I could contact the sponsor because I was having "trouble verifying her eligibility". Patient said she was not allowed to have contact with him, but due to the situation he had to keep her on his Tricare. She said she just needed to go back to the base to get a new Tricare ID card. To me there are many red flags here. (the reason I a very weary is due to Tricare just recently coming back and taking back over 2 years of claims that they had paid for a patient that had gotten a divorce and Tricare had been contacted many times and for whatever reason Tricare just did not cancel the insurance and continued to pay claims. The patient made us aware of the cancellation when it was termed, it was over 500.00 refunded to Tricare)

Once divorced, doesn't the spouse have to have their own policy under their own social/ID?

Please give me your thoughts on this.

When married to a military person, to keep their military benefits will depend on many different things and one of those is how long were they in the military and how long was the non military spouse married to the military spouse and how many of the marriage years were while the spouse was in the military. I have a friend that was married to a military man for over 25 years when he retired and they divorced. she gets to keep the military insurance for life. So there are so many factors at work but it is possible that the non military spouse is still covered by Tricare.
If she gets to keep the Tricare, would she be able to stay under his Tricare as a "spouse" or would she have her own? Also, this patients DOB is 1993, so she is very young!