Wiki Trial Placement of 2 Perc Apinal Neurostim Electrode(s)

Reno, NV
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:cool:Do I code 63650 once or twice?

"After identification of the appropriate structures with fluoroscopic guidance the area was prepped Utilizing Povidone-Iodine Antiseptic/Germicide Swabsticks and draped in the appropriate sterile fashion. 18 mLs of 1% Preservative Free Lidocaine was drawn. 9mLs was used to anesthetize superficial and deep tissues after negative aspiration.

Following appropriate time for anesthetic effect, and under fluoroscopic guidance the Right L2 pedicle was identified and a 14g 3.5 inch Epidural needle was advanced tangentially into the epidural space at Right T12-L1, using a loss of resistance to sterile water technique. No CSF or blood was noted. The Boston Scientific Lead was then introduced through the epidural needle without difficulty. W=Under direct AP visualization the lead was then advanced to the target location of Right T7.

Starting at the Pedicle of Left L2 a second 14g 3.5 inch Epidural needle was advanced intot he epidural space at Left T12-L1 using the same tangential approach and loss of resistance to saline technique. No CSF or blood was noted. Confirming appropriate needle placement with AP and lateral views. The Boston Scientific Lead was then introduced through the epidural needle without difficulty. Lead positions were confirmed with AP and lateral views. Under direct AP visualization the lead was then advanced parallel and to the Left of the first lead at Left T7......"

Thanks in advance!