Wiki Treatment of fracture/Casting Question


Sugar Land, TX
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If a physician treats a patient for a fracture and then a few weeks later applies a cast, when the patient comes back for casting can a 58 modifier be applied to the casting? It seems that I can. I'm a little confused when it comes to reading the rules. When reading the rules, it appears that I cannot bill for the casting at the time of the treatment for the fracture because the casting is included in the treatment. Thank you!
The first cast is included in the global period if a surgery was done to treat the fracture. You can bill for additional casts (cast was loose, wet...etc) and make sure you append the appropriate modifier. Also, if the treatment required a splint because of swelling from the surgery, you can definitely use 58 for the followup visit in which a casting is done since this would be considered a staged procedure. It will extend your global period though.

If there was no surgery done, you wouldn't need to use 58 for any followup visits concerning fracture aftercare.