Wiki Trauma vs. Injury codes


Westport, MA
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We have been told that we should NOT be using the injury codes (959.*) when the report just states trauma. I disagree with this, because when you see trauma in the ICD-9 it says see also Injury....

Does anyone have any thoughts on this. We are told to use V71.4

Thank you in advance... :)
I work in a level 1 trauma center and we use 959 series, with the appropriate E code if needed. The billing company uses 959 series and the MVC E code as a filter to get first in line for the PIP insurance before it gets exhausted by other departments. Saying just trauma is rather vague; Use the upcoming ICD 10 for impetus to train the referring docs and schedulers for more specificity. PIP pays very well.
Some insurance companies (and our state medicaid) has rejected V codes in the primary dx position.
I do ED coding and also use the 959 codes with the applicable E code or codes. While not specific as to the nature of the injury (laceration, burn, etc.), the 959 codes do provide more information than V71.4.
Trauma Codes

I code for the professional component of radiology. If the patient has no signs or symptoms indicated related to the trauma, we bill V71.4 unless a definitive diagnosis is provided in the impression. If a symptom is listed, we use the symptom(s) along with the appropriate 959.xx code.

Patricia Murrin, CPC, RCC
V71.4 is for a condition not found, it would be when an injury is suspected but not found on exam. We have used it when a patient is brought to the ER after a roll over accident but after exam there is nothing wrong with the patient. If the patient has any symptoms such as pain or contusion you would not use this code.