Wiki Transplant billing dates


Kelso, WA
Best answers
We have a disgreement in our practice that I'm hoping someone can shed some light on. Our physicians believe (and I think they're correct, though I cannot find any supporting documentation) that the correct DOS to use for a transplant surgery is the date that the transplanted organ is reperfused. The hospital side states that the date the cut is made beginning the surgery is the correct DOS (as with other surgeries). If any of you have information on this I would really appreciate it if you would share!
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Transplant date

I would say that the date of service/surgery is when the physician is performing the actual procedure. If the physician harvests an organ, then you would use the appropriate px code and date performed. If the physician performs a transplanted organ into the recipient then again the appropriate px code and date performed. This is how I would do the coding, I would be interested to hear if anyone else has any other rational. Hope this helps