Wiki Transitioning to another level of coding


Garland, TX
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I have been an ED Coder for over 10 years and have tried taking different classes in order to amp up my knowledge to get me to the next stage of coding Day Surgeries etc. I have not found anybody who seemed to take me seriously. My question is this -- how should one approach this? I let people know, including my boss, that I am interested but I seem not to be taken seriously. Therefore, I feel stuck. Any suggestions?

Lost in G.
Why does your boss not take you seriously? I find that strange, that is how I have always increased my knowledge/skills, by approaching boss and letting them know I am interested in learning a new area of coding.

What have you done to study up/prepare for SDS? Maybe if you present to your boss all of the studying you have done and you are serious about your desire to learn more, they might give you a chance.

Cordelia, CCS, CPC