Wiki Transitional Care Management


Local Chapter Officer
Beloit, WI
Best answers
Can I get a clarification on the service date being 30 days from the date of discharge.
I interpret that as creating a new registration with the date on the 30th day from the date of discharge to submit the claim. Others interpret to hold the claim for 30 days and you would not have to create a new registration. You could keep the date matching documentation and send it out 30 days from the date of discharge. I have read so many documents that I need other coders to give me their interpretation:rolleyes:. Thank you in advance
Sheila Sweetland, CPC
When I bill these out, I change the date of service to 30 days from the date of discharge. For example, if a patient was discharged on 7/2/2014 then the new date of service would be 8/2/2014. I haven't had any issues billing it this way as long as your clinicians document the admit and discharge dates in their note. Hope this helps! :)
that is the way I have been doing it, but wanted to hear how other coders were billing this out. Thank you for your response.