Wiki Transitional Care Management requirements


Melvin, MI
Best answers
For the requirements of documentation for TCM -- does the date of discharge need to be documented in the provider's face-to-face or is it acceptable for it to only be written in the non-face-to-face contact (the phone call done within 2 business days of discharge)?
For the requirements of documentation for TCM -- does the date of discharge need to be documented in the provider's face-to-face or is it acceptable for it to only be written in the non-face-to-face contact (the phone call done within 2 business days of discharge)?
It is acceptable for the discharge date to be listed elsewhere. As long as it's clear that it's an inpatient follow up, and you have the ability to confirm that they have been seen within the correct time frame, in addition to being reached out to within 48 hours, then it's perfectly fine to code accordingly.