Wiki Transition to Care


Local Chapter Officer
St Augustine, FL
Best answers
I was working with an office on a chart review and the manager asked a question about transition to care coding. The office dismissed a patient and planned to bill the transition to care code 30 days from that date. However, the patient passed away during the 30 day period. Can the transition to care code still be billed for the patient? I have not had this situation so I did not know how to advise. I appreciate any feedback. Thanks
Good Question. I am dealing with a lot of TCM and i have never had a case like such but this is what CMS is saying.
From CMS:

"Can TCM services be reported if the beneficiary dies prior to the 30th day following discharge?

Because the TCM codes describe 30 days of care, in cases when the beneficiary dies prior to the 30th day, practitioners should not report TCM services but may report any face-to-face visits that occurred under the appropriate evaluation and management (E/M) code."

Roxana Bejinariu, CPC