Wiki Transition of Care


Niagara Falls, NY
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We are a primary care office. We had a patient who was admitted to the hospital. They had a 2 day stay and then signed themselves out AMA. There is not a discharge summary that I have seen. She has been in the office for her transition of care. Can we bill for the transition if she was AMA? All the other requirement have been met per CPT guidelines. My concern is the AMA part and I don't have a discharge summary. The hospitalist admitted her. I haven't had this come up before. Thanks for all your help!:confused:
What a great question! I had to perform an audit form BCN because they were requesting about 10K back. When I spoke to the BCN Auditor she wanted the discharge summary to show that the patient was hospitilazed.

I know that did answer your question, but maybe it gives some perpsective? Did you reach out to the payor?