Wiki Transfers

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The patient came to us with 16 weeks left in her pregnancy. After her delivery I billed with 59410 for delivery and post partum care and then 59426 for the 7 visits that we saw her for prenatal care. Is this correct? Thanks!
That is what I would do but did you initially bill her first ob visit as a new pt. 99204 with a v72.42 and the v22.0 or .1.
That is what I would do but did you initially bill her first ob visit as a new pt. 99204 with a v72.42 and the v22.0 or .1.

V22.1, V22.0 are first listed only allowed Vcodes. You cannot billed a DX of positive pregnancy and then indicate supervision of pregnancy at the same encounter. If the patient presented to the office already diagnosed as pregnant then you must start pregnancy record at that visit. You cannot charge one visit to redetermine the pregnancy. Since this was a transfer, the patient was already being followed for her pregnancy by another OB so it is immediately billing.