Wiki Transfer of care after cataract surgery

Canon City, CO
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When a patient gets cataract surgery done by Dr. X and transfers the care of that patient after the surgery to Dr. Y what is the place of service Dr Y uses for his claim? I have been having discussions with our billing manager and compliance officer and we both feel it should be 11 for OV because that is where the service is being performed. We have been billing this out with the POS of 24 but I dont think that is correct. I have been trying to locate some information on this but have only been getting the instructions on how to apply modifier 54 and 55 which I get. Anybody have any ideas or where I can look for this information? Please advise.
Doctor Y would bill with POS 11 since that is where the Post OP Management services were performed. Make sure your office and surgeon both bill the same dos, cpt codes, and icd-9 codes with appropriate modifiers. Dr X place of service would be 24. Hope this helps.