Wiki transeptal

Sagus, MA
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can you bill for transeptal for retrograde aortic ?

The decanav catheter was advanced into the CS. The SL1 sheath was advanced into the CS for stability and allow for further reach. With the decanav advanced into the GCV/AIV junction, activation mapping of the PVCs showed earliest activation within the CS was -10 ms compared to the QRS. The decision was thus made to map from within the left ventricle. The 4F arterial sheath was exchanged for a torflex sheath, which was advanced over a wire into the ascending aorta. The STSF DF ablation catheter was then advanced through the sheath into the LV. Activation mapping showed earliest activation on the LV side of the peri-valvular region below the left/right coronary cusp junction. The site of earliest activation was ~ -50 ms with a QS-wave on the unipolar EGM with a complex early signal. Pacemap here was >90% PASO match.

thanks in advance