Wiki Training Once Hired Outpatient


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Generally, what is the process once hired as an OutPt coder, on probation, having your accounts audited by reviewers until you are coding without errors?
Specifically, what accounts should a new coder be given, first position in coding? You would think the accounts would be simple procedures and then advance to more difficult ones--is this true or are you thrown in the lion's den?
What type of support should a new coder be given while working on the accounts? Also, what is a registry technician, trauma (what do they could besides the injuries)? Pa Coder.
Hi there:

I work remotely as an ambulatory surgery coder and am audited regarding my work.

When I first started with my company, all my accounts were reviewed for accuracy not only for coding but also for abstracting (entering the client required info into the billing system).

The chart mix that was assigned to me was and is in the daily queue flow--a normal workday at the hospital. You'll come across very easy cases and those cases that make you research--viewing CPT Asst, Coding Clinic, Coder's Desk Reference to determine accurate coding. No easy charts were sent to me as a new employee--I had to work thru the queue as expected.

Fortunately, I do have experience remotely coding ambulatory surgery charts. I suggest you review your CPT book and a Coder's Desk Reference to help you select the correct CPT codes, if that is your issue. Coding Clinic is good to review also. Tab or highlight your coding books for common procedures that throw you a curve ball--you won't have to take up too much time researching the situation again. Also, if you get feed back from your auditor, label and save the emails/replies on your computer or print them out to refer to again, if needed. That has really helped me out on coding difficult procedures.

Best of Luck--

Deb K.