Wiki trach with a hemiglossectomy

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I was trained that 31600 was bundled with a glossectomy when it was Hemi (41130) or greater (but billable with partial 41120 or less). However, I am not able to find anything to support the bundle of 31600 and 41130. Does anyone have any insight? thanks!
From CPT Asst, August 2010:
"Reporting CPT Codes (41120-41155)
In the event documentation indicates that a partial or totalremoval of the tongue has been performed, a code from the41120-41150 series would be reported. Codes 41120, 41130,41135, and 41140 differentiate work based on the amount ofsurgical excision. Codes 41140, 41145, 41150, 41153 include tracheostomy (code 31600). Insertion of a feeding tube atthe time of these surgeries would be considered an inclusiveservice. Surgical reconstruction coding may be reported inaddition to glossectomy codes 41130-41150."
Since this doesn't include 41130, and there are no NCCI edits that I can find, I'd say 31600 isn't bundled with 41130.
Hope this helps.