Wiki Trach Management


Adel, IA
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Struggling with correct guidelines for Trach Management... Please Help!!!!

1) Is it acceptable to bill out an E/M with Trach Management only?
Example, the patient has been coming in once a month for "Trach Management". The physician usually does a tracheobronchoscopy through an establised trach incison- 31615 and almost always bills out an E/M level as well- even though no other reason supports it.

2) 31502 with E/M appropriate?
I read that you can only bill out the E/M if the fistula tract is closed but my physicians want to bill out both... and I don't think that is the appropriate use for 31502.

3) 31502 with E/M appropriate?
My physicians want to bill out 31502 if the tract isn't closed with an E/M as well.

Can someone give me some guidance for these please?
AAPC trach E/M

According to the 2012 "AAPC Medical Coding Training: CPC" pg 282:
"If the trach tube needs to be changed before the tract is fully established (usually after about seven days), report 31502. Any tube change after the tract is established cannot be billed and become a component of the appropriate E/M service billed for the visit.

Hope this helps and I would appreciate any help with my question on the site.