Wiki Toxicology Coding

Lithonia, GA
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I am trying to code toxicology urine panels and I am so lost. I am new at this and wanted to know if the panel has Opiates/Opioids, Barbiturates, Sedatives, Benzodiazepines, Stimulants, Antipsychotics, Antidepressants, Antiepileptics, Anticonvulsants, MuscleRelaxants, Illicits & Others, Cathinones/Bath Salts, Synthetic Cannabinoids, and Non-Prescribed Drugs can I use 80300 (G0480) and 80302 for some and coded ones that's not included separately?
presumptive drug testing coding is based on the technique used to perform the test, not necessarily the number of drug / drug classes tested. If a CLIA waived cup is used to do the presumptive drug test, regardless if it tested for 5 or 10 different drug / drug classes, the code would either be 80300 x 1 or G0477 x 1 depending upon the payer's coding requirements. Note the code descriptors for both include the "any number of drug classes" verbiage

Note there will be new CPT codes in 2017 for presumptive drug testing that will match the 2016 HCPCS G0477-G0479 code descriptions.