Wiki TOVA test

Hi Hammersj, :)
The TOVA will measure attention and monitor treatment of attention disorders, including ADHD, Traumatic Brain Injuries, and other CNS disorders. For patients Gender-based norms from 4 - 80+ years and sufficient duration to “catch” individuals who can partially compensate must attend at least 16 minutes before bill

I d get pre approved with payer before doing procedure and usually covers for all MD, LCSW, LPC Therapists, Psychiatrist, certified Nurses, and psychologists
CPT 96130 Psych testing billed for 1st hour, then + CPT 96131 for next hour
CPT 96132 Neuropysch testing then is 1 hour then +CPT 96133 next hour
CPT 96136 Psych or Neuro Testing billed first for Test Admin.& scoring for 30 minutes then CPT +96137 30 minutes more
CPT 96138 is testing by tech 30 minutes then add +96139 CPT 30 minutes
Yes can bill these CPT all same or differ days per CPT manual.
I hope helped you a little bit
Lady T:)