Wiki total knees and hips


Simpsonville, CA
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I need help with coding for intrethecal narcotics through the spine, one of the dr's i code for does this and says that he should get a code for this..

when sending in his billing he indicates:
total knee-27447
femoral blk cont.-64448
sciatic blk- 64445
and intrathecal- so i am wondering is this 62311?
Single injection I agree would be 62311, would need 59 if for post op pain management on this code and 64448, 64445 Does the documentation have separate procedure notes for the three procedures? To bill alll three the documentation of the procedures would have to be clear----Why is he listing the TKA code?
Is he doing the surgery under a General Anesthesia? If the mode of anesthesia is one of the blocks mentioned above then it would not be separately billable.