Wiki Total Fracture Care


Schulenburg, TX
Best answers
We have a new sports orthopedic doc who is looking for information on Total Fracture care and what needs to be documented.

Here is part of his discussion:

'if I could bill "Total fracture care," on a patient. I believe it is putting a 90 day global -55 modifer on a specific fracture treatment code, but there are situation requirements and some specific things that need to be documented'

Could someone help me understand total fracture care.

Grace Lebeda
Hi Grace,
the only time a 55 modifier would be needed is if someone else billed the FX care and it is being taken over by your physician. As for documentation a standard note that indicates the location, type and the alpha character to identify active treatment. It is helpful if he documents the need for follow-up and when the patient should return for re-evaluation and cast removal. If x-rays are taken or if the provider has access to view the films online he should include a statement of having viewed the x-rays.

Hope this helps.