Wiki TOS for Pain Injections


Kerrville, TX
Best answers
We are billing pain injections for the physician and need to know the TOS; would it be 9? or 2? or something else? Thank you so much,
I'm not sure if this helps, but I found these notes on this site: Type of Service indicators (TOS)

NOTE: For injection codes with more than one possible TOS designation, use the following guidelines when assigning the TOS:
When the choice is L or 1,
• Use TOS L when the drug is used related to ESRD; or
• Use TOS 1 when the drug is not related to ESRD and is administered in the office.
When the choice is G or 1:
• Use TOS G when the drug is an immunosuppressive drug; or
• Use TOS 1 when the drug is used for other than immunosuppression.
When the choice is P or 1,
• Use TOS P if the drug is administered through durable medical equipment (DME); or
• Use TOS 1 if the drug is administered in the office.
For a complete guide to the TOS indicators visit IOM 100-04 Chapter 26, section 10.7 – Type of Service (TOS)