Wiki Toe Strapping code 29550 - Medicare denying as frequency


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Medicare denies when I bill 29550 with toe modifiers, ie: 29550-T8 and 29550-T9, each toe is strapped individually by the doctor. Medicare denies for frequency. I have looked everywhere for information on how to avoid this denial without having to appeal every time with medical records. Can anyone tell me what they do?

I get that - but it is not a bilateral issue. It is 2 separate toes. That is why this makes no sense as a denial. CPT does not state single or multiple toes.
The code has an MUE of 1 so more than 1 unit or line will deny.

Since the code description says toes meaning 1 or more. It doesn't matter if he wrapped them separately. If it's one foot, it's 1 unit.

The code does have a bilateral status indicator of 1 so its eligible for modifier 50 so it sounds as if its toes on different feet it can be billed bilaterally
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Thanks - Where can I find the MUE list of codes - I knew years ago, but lost track of where to find it!