Wiki Tobacco Use or Hx of?

Hermitage, TN
Best answers
I came across a chart that lists the pt as currently smoking electronic cigarettes. I know there's also a vaporizer on the market also. my question is, would they get the 305.1 dx code or the v15.82? does the electronic cigarette/vaporizer count as tobacco use? I quit smoking before these came out so i'm not that familiar with them especially from a coding standpoint. any and all replies greatly appreciated! :)
I was leaning towards history but aren't they still a smoker technically? because of the nicotine? i can see both sides-that's the problem.
tobacco use or hx of

hmm. Well, I could really argue that both ways: technically they are treating their tobacco use with those electronic cigarettes, which would make it a current issue, but they are no longer smoking, which could be argued just as technically for the opposite. How does your office handle it when a patient is no longer smoking but is using Chantix or other quit smoking rx because THAT is how I would ultimately code this one too.
medical coder

well the real question should have come from the history...Some solutions contain a MIXTURE OF NICOTINE and flavorings, while others release a flavored vapor WITH OUT NICOTINE...from that you can break it down to hx of tobacco use or drug dependence/Nondependent.
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