Wiki Tobacco Cessation Counselling

Mohana Prasad

Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Best answers

Can anyone help me out on this.

A patient came for follow-up offcie visit for his alleries and the doctor has completed a comprehensive level of History & PE and a high complexity MDM.

The doctor also documented that he had given tobacco cessation counselling for 5 minutes.

Should we code both 99215 & 99406?

Is 99406 a part of 99215 and should not be coded seperately?

Kind Regards,
N. Mohana Prasad
You can report both. From the CPT book in the notes under Counseling Risk Factor Reduction, it states that these services "are distinct from E/M services that may be reported separately when performed." Therefore, CPT allows both to be reported, but be sure to check with the payor to ensure they allow both to be reported on the claim.

Hope that helps!
Lance Smith