Wiki Tkr, thr


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All, I am a nurse life care planner who joined AAPC because I so often have the devil's own time getting codes from billing offices. :confused: Hard to believe, eh? When pricing out items I need as comprehensive information as possible, and that means all codes associated with a procedure (hospital, preop, office visits, diagnostics, anesthesia, postop inpt and outpt rehab...) So I come to you for help today to get as much info as possible on total hip replacement and total knee replacement, assuming both will be open procedures. I know this is a lot to ask,:eek: but I am deeply appreciative of all you do, and any help you can give me will be put to good use.
I have those two codes for the procedures alone. What I need your help in is identifying the other associated procedures and codes-- the radiology, preop MD office visits, anesthesia, postop hospital care, postop physical therapy ...

I know that these can be individualized to a certain extent, so I'm asking for help in collecting an average data set, as it were. Anyone? What's typical?