Wiki Tissue biopsy at previous polypectomy site


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Can anyone suggest an ICD-10 code for a tissue biopsy taken from a previous polypectomy spot? It's not a polyp, so I don't feel the D12 codes or the K polyp codes are appropriate. There isn't a diagnosis to associate the biopsy with (such as colitis), it's just a biopsy to test for cancer in the spot where a previous tubular adenoma was. Does that make sense?? When I go to tissue in the index it leads me to condition which leads me to disease, but again, there is not a diagnosis associated with the site. Any suggestions? Am I complicating this too much?

Thank you.
Thank you for responding. That's the code that we have been using, but I just wondered if there was a more specific code we could/should be using. I think we'll just keep doing what we are doing though.

Thanks again!