Wiki Timely file-Ins says have to send phone notes


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I called Citrus Health Care in Florida yesterday. I am working aging and asked if I could send timely file. They said yes but I had to send a call log that proves we called them previously. My office doesn't require that we log all of our calls to insurance companys. If I did, it would take me at least 2 hrs to log just Medicare calls. We only log those with problems or extenuating circumstance. Their policy came into effect 2 weeks ago with out providers getting any notice. Is this legal? We have now stopped taking Citrus Ins. but still have some on the aging reports. Shouldn't we of had some kind of notice about a new policy being instated?
Do we have any recourse?
I really hope someone can help me with this. We have more than a few bucks at stake.
Thank you,
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