Wiki Time Based Billing


Niles, MI
Best answers
When the Physician notes that he/she spent 20 minutes with the patient and 15 was spent in counseling and coordination of care (Subsequent IP) --> 99231

Yet the HPI, Exam and MDM = 99233

DO YOU HAVE TO BILL BASED ON TIME, JUST BECAUSE IT'S NOTED? Or can you pick and choose which one is higher RVU ($$)?
From what I've read, you can use your elements instead of using time. Time based billing is an option.
When the Physician notes that he/she spent 20 minutes with the patient and 15 was spent in counseling and coordination of care (Subsequent IP) --> 99231

Yet the HPI, Exam and MDM = 99233

DO YOU HAVE TO BILL BASED ON TIME, JUST BECAUSE IT'S NOTED? Or can you pick and choose which one is higher RVU ($$)?

While I don't have a good source that would answer the question - I would believe that you can use whichever method that would be more beneficial to the physician, just like you can use either the 1995 or the 1997 Guidelines for an encounter - whichever one is more beneficial.