Wiki Tick bites/ bug bites


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Referring to the MDM table, column one, under number and complexity of problems address. Would tick bites be considered a "self limiting, minor problem?" or are they considered an "acute uncomplicated illness or injury?"
Referring to the MDM table, column one, under number and complexity of problems address. Would tick bites be considered a "self limiting, minor problem?" or are they considered an "acute uncomplicated illness or injury?"
Tick bite by itself without manifestation of signs and symptoms aside from localized itching at the site of the bite is self-limited.

If there are manifestation of signs and symptoms, including those indicative of Lyme disease, the complexity depends on the progression of the illness.
For just about any diagnosis, the complexity of problems addressed depends on the documented severity of that illness for the current encounter.
For example, your title lists "bug bites". Was it 2 mosquito bites that are just itchy? That's definitely not higher than straightforward. Or was it 37 mosquito bites that were scratched until bleeding and some showing signs of infection?
For almost any diagnosis, you will find it might TYPICALLY be a specific level, but this particular patient or encounter is either more or less complex than typical. So while bug bites might be straightforward 90% of the time, that does not mean there's not a patient where it is a higher level.

Most of my work is gynonc with cancer diagnoses. Depending on the current documented status of that cancer, it could be low, moderate, or high.