Wiki Thyroid eye disease

I agree with you guys about the documentation. Can you help with the proper wording for what to write in a query to get a clearer diagnosis in this case? when I do a query I sometimes don't get a good response I think its due to me not saying it right. Thanks for all your help with this.
here is what I got back thyroid eye disease is the cause. It is an autoimmune problem.
So am I stuck with the 246.9 for a code?
coding TED

first coded what the thyroid disease is- codes 242.0-242.9 then code 376.21 for thyrotoxic exophthalmos. SO, if the pt had hyperthyroidism NOS with no mention of thyrotoxicosis(with no definitive Dx of Grave's, etc-you may have to look at previous pt encounter to find what the thyroid problem is) you would code a 242.90,376.21. Notice instructions printed in red under subheading 376.2