Wiki Thrombin??


Rockmart, GA
Best answers

INDICATION: 571.5 and primary biliary cirrhosis.

PROCEDURE: The patient was informed and consented for the procedure,
then placed in the supine position on the procedure table. The patient
was prepped and draped in a sterile technique. 1% lidocaine without
epinephrine was utilized as a local anesthetic.

Under ultrasound guidance, a 16-gauge core biopsy needle was advanced
into the right hepatic lobe along the right lateral thoracic wall.
Needle tip position within the right hepatic lobe was confirmed with
ultrasound images. Ultrasound images were sent to PACs for
documentation. A single 2.0 cm 16-gauge core biopsy was obtained. This
was then followed by injection of 3000 units of thrombin along the
contour of the right hepatic lobe where the biopsy was obtained. No
complications were encountered.


Ultrasound-guided 16-gauge core biopsy of the right hepatic lobe, as
described above.

Can someone tell me if the thrombin part of this biopsy is billable? If so what is the code?

INDICATION: 571.5 and primary biliary cirrhosis.

PROCEDURE: The patient was informed and consented for the procedure,
then placed in the supine position on the procedure table. The patient
was prepped and draped in a sterile technique. 1% lidocaine without
epinephrine was utilized as a local anesthetic.

Under ultrasound guidance, a 16-gauge core biopsy needle was advanced
into the right hepatic lobe along the right lateral thoracic wall.
Needle tip position within the right hepatic lobe was confirmed with
ultrasound images. Ultrasound images were sent to PACs for
documentation. A single 2.0 cm 16-gauge core biopsy was obtained. This
was then followed by injection of 3000 units of thrombin along the
contour of the right hepatic lobe where the biopsy was obtained. No
complications were encountered.


Ultrasound-guided 16-gauge core biopsy of the right hepatic lobe, as
described above.

Can someone tell me if the thrombin part of this biopsy is billable? If so what is the code?

No, the thrombin injection is not separately billable.