Wiki Thrombectomy of the Left Subclavian Artery

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Procedure Performed:
Coronary angiogram with saphenous vein graft angiography, as well as left sublavian select angiography. Thrombectomy of the left subclavian artery and placement of infusion catheter with direct administration of thrombolytic therapy.

Can anyone help me? I have a folder of "to do's" and I am going to run out of time file limits if I can't figure some of these out. Usually the two doctors in particular have a cheat sheet that they use and submit to me but the newest doctor has been hand writing procedures on facesheets and his descriptions are written just a bit different from the op reports, and of course the op reports can sometimes be a bit off from CPT Book. I am also confused with Thrombectomy renal vein, femoral access. Any help is appreciated.
Ok, thank you but the book says to use 75896 for S & I for thrombolysis? Just want to be sure! Thank you, Gail