Wiki Threatened AB

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Very Very New!!!

After 22 years of Derm billing I am going to be coming to this sight for a lot of help. Here is my first question.
Patients presents with a "Threatened AB", today, has United Health Care insurance so we have been billing visits under the global up to this point. Now how do I go back and bill the 3 previous visits, if so. With the EM visits codes, or do I use 59425?

Thank you so much,
Very New Julie
If the pregnancy has ended and there will be no more prenatal visits, then yes, you go back & bill out her prenatal care on a per-visit basis, based on how many visits were done. Include all visits with a "Threatened AB" dx. If she had a total of 1-3 visits, you bill the appropriate E&M level for each DOS. If she had 4-6 visits, you bill a 59425 only (1 line item/1 unit). If she had 7+ visits, you bill out a 59426 only (1 line item/1 unit). With these last 2 codes, you use the date of her last visit as your DOS.

Becky, CPC